Event Details

Dear Membership,

A Special Membership meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 28 from 10 am - 12 pm via Zoom. In light of current national politics and how it will affect New York State, your attendance to this meeting is very critical.

On Friday, January 31, NYSSMMT held an Annual Meeting to primarily report on the association's financial health as required by law and of course provide the latest legislative update, conduct Board Elections and amend the Bylaws. Our Lobbying firm, NGC Consulting was in attendance to report on the past accomplishments of the two year contract that is up for renewal. Due to NGC's extensive reporting, they had to be at the top of the agenda. Unexpectedly, that was the only agenda item that was executed and not even the financial reporting as required and the essential Board Elections. The current Board must fulfill its duty on financial reporting and execute Board Elections. By the time we have this meeting on February 28, the rapidly moving national political landscape at that time will certainly gives us additional agenda items.

NGC CEO David Carroll also gave the current status of activity as the Board had to seek the membership's approval to renew the lobbying contract for another two years. After NGC exited the Zoom, a motion was made to approve the lobby contract for another 2 years. With much critical thinking and debate, the membership in attendance did approve the Board to renew the contract for another two years at a 5-figure price knowing the financial and volunteer impact it will have on membership and membership dues because of the current political climate putting so much at stake for our profession.

If you were not in attendance of the meeting, the recording of the meeting is posted in Glue up. Please log into your account to view the recording so you can fully understand the dynamics in play and why a Special Membership meeting is being scheduled.

Quorum -minimum attendance needed to transact voting- is needed and if there is no quorum, we will not be able to advance the business and interests of NYSSMMT and in turn, protect the profession. Below is the preliminary agenda for the meeting.


#1. Finance

- 2024 review

#2. Government and Legislative Relations

  • Local - NYC, Long Island and Central NY Regions
  • State - 2025 Agenda
  • Federal -H.R. 9755, the "Human Trafficking Fingerprint Background Check Protection Act of 2024"
  • Lobbying in 2025
  • President Trump impact to the massage/healthcare
  • Discuss Lobby Agreement renewal

#3. Board Elections and appointments

#4. Bylaws Amendments

#5. LA Fires and Risk Management

#6. NYSSMMT 2025 - Future Direction

The Board would like to thank all those members who were in attendance and participated in courageous conversations as it was realized how the massage therapy profession is in dire need to mature and evolve. The Board left that meeting feeling very confident in the membership that the profession will be in good hands and be better positioned.

The Board hopes you can attend this meeting as these meetings shapes impact and leadership for the New York Sate Massage Therapy profession. NYSSMMT's leadership -meaning all of us- is not only noticed within the industry, it is also felt in the local and state communities. Thank you for this past year's support and, remember, it's you that makes the massage therapy profession thrive!

NYSSMMT Board of Directors